Friday, November 16, 2012

Assignment for Thanksgiving Break

Hey guys,

I know everyone is groaning already, but bear with me!


1. I want you to ask your parents about their favorite president. Write down their answer.
2. Then I want you to ask them what made that president a great leader. Write down what they say. Don't worry if they like the president for reasons other than his leadership. It's still worth writing down!
3. When we come back to class on Monday the 26th, be ready to talk about this in groups with others in  the class. I'll also be writing down which presidents your parents liked the most, and then we'll try and figure out why the #1 choice was the favorite, based on how he led the country.

Really, this is more homework for your parents than for you, if you think about it. So have fun quizzing them! I'll see you all in a week, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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